Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Making

This one is going to get pretty personal, but as I mentioned before, this was going to be my outlet, my therapy. If you aren’t interested, please just ignore, otherwise, I appreciate hearing from anyone who may have been through similar situations.

Today, I went to the gynecologist for my yearly pap test. I also went in there with the intent to move towards next steps at becoming a mother. Since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to have kids. I wanted to have them young like my parents did, but unfortunately that just wasn’t in the cards for me.

As many of you may already know I haven’t had luck in the baby making department. When I was with my ex-husband we tried and tried and nothing. We’ve seen and heard how much stress it was on others that we decided not to pursue testing to find out which one of us had the problem. Well, a little over a year after we separated I found out he had a son. As difficult as it was hearing, especially since it wasn’t from him, the more real it got for me.

At that time, I was just moving in with Jason and things were going good, but I wasn’t ready to take things to the next level. Fast forward 6 years and Jason and I have been married a little over two years now. Shortly after we got married, we added Millie to our family. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve seen pictures, she’s my little girl. Jason has always said that every dog deserves their own kid. That’s just what we want for Millie. He also jokes about how expensive it will be to have kids since Millie eats food that is more expensive per pound than buying filet mignon. Last year he retired from the Navy and we’re growing roots here in Northern Virginia and we are ready to “settle down” and start a family.

Back to my appointment….So first steps are for me to see if I am ovulating. This will require a thermometer and an ovulation kit. This should be fun, tracking my temperature daily and peeing on stick to find out if I am ovulating. If so, then I am supposed to have sex every other day during ovulation. As if I haven’t been doing that for years….Anyway if after 2-3 months I find out I am not ovulating then back to doc I go.

In December I will be 38 so things can move a little slow since “my eggs are old” or at least that’s what the doc says. So we’ll see how things play out over the next few months. I won’t let this stress me out, I know my limits. If it gets to be too much, we’ll pursue other options. I want to be a mom, I have so much love in my heart to share and having my DNA is not a requirement.

Stay tuned for more. Until we meet again.


  1. Good luck, Heather! I think you will make a fantastic mother! :)

  2. "I have so much love in my heart to share and having my DNA is not a requirement."... so sweet. As long as the kid stays away from blue socks with black pants, it should be able to keep the beatings at bay. jk. You'll be a fantastic mom :)

  3. You will be a fantastic Mom - some lucky kid is gonna hit the jackpot with you!
